Tuesday, June 1, 2010

ducks and lady bugs.

if i were a bird i'd wanna be a duck, if i were a bug i'd wanna be a lady bug. so...random statement i know, but it is what it is, and i really like ducks. this whole thing came across because having lived in new york city all my life the only birds i'm used to seeing on a daily basis are pigeons and sparrows also on occasion a seagull or two and sometimes and i mean sometimes cause i've only actually seen about 5 or 6 of them, them being falcons/hawks (i can't tell the difference) so anyway now as you might know i live in florida and in florida there are birds aplenty! i must have seen like 20 or 30 different types of birds already, today i saw a crane as i was leaving work stalking a gecko across the mall parking lot. and side note there are like no pigeons in florida i have been here almost 6 months and have only seen 1 and not a single sparrow, another side note when i was little i was convinced that sparrows were pigeon babies, and no one could convince me otherwise. but back to ducks, so last week i was on my way to work and i came across a mama duck and her newly hatched ducklings, and boy am i a sucker for cute things so i almost missed my bus watching them and feeding them my breakfast, which in case anyone cares was a bag of 100 calorie white cheddar popcorn (awesome by the way) also taking way to many pictures on my phone, and then today on my way home from the gym i spotted a lone duckling in the parking lot of the mini mall up my street waddling into an alcove where the dumpster lives, so being who i am i followed it and found the mama and her rapidly growing babies hanging out. i don't know what it is about ducks they just give me this serene feeling, in new york when i was really feling shitty i used to go to whole foods and by a loaf of san franciscan sour dough bread ( i loooooove sour dough bread) and head over to the duck pond in central park, climb on to a rock right next to the water and split the loaf with the ducks, i could spend hours there just watching them glide through the water, forgetting for a short time whatever problems drove me to binge on the carbs in the first place. today i had no food for the babies so i went home got some bread (hamburger buns) and returned to feed them and now no judgements please name them. there are 12 altogether including mom and while i do not know the sex of the kids i named them anyway, mama's name is beatrice and the babies are a s follows
1) ronald 2) calliope 3) milton 4) tibby 5) bernard 6) laney 7) samson 8) delilah 9) maurice 10) poppy [ she's the only yellow one] and 11) thomson. i know this might seem crazy but... if i were a bird i'd wanna be a duck and if i were a bug i'd wanna be a lady bug, cause who could hate a lady bug?

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