Friday, February 5, 2010


so i am gonna be learning how to drive soon, and i can not express how excited while at the same time frightened (not for my self but for others) i am. i am a nyc girl born and raised and being such a girl i never had the urge that most teenagers get at age 16...well i did get that urge, but the urge i am refferring to is the urge to drive to bug my father to let me get my permit, to buy me a car. when i was 16 all i wanted was for him to give me train fare. but now i live in fl and it is imperative that i drive and i'm nervous. i mean i can't even walk a straight line, i trip over my own feet and not only do i fall down stairs but up them as well (and that my friends takes a special kind of talent) . i mean it would and may well be great to have that kind of freedom, to own my own car and be able to pick up and go whenever i want. my only thing is though i want it to be purple!

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