Saturday, May 29, 2010

it's stupid and unfair !!!

so i woke up this morning in a unusually happy mood and it took me nearly an hour to figure out why, and once i did, that put me in a whole different kind of mood, not so much a "bad" mood but i guess i'd say perturbed. the reason i had been happy was i had a really great dream last night, the kind of dream where everything you want in real life comes true, all your desires both secret and not have magically come to pass... but it came true with the wrong person, i have spent a looooong time trying to get this person out of my head and while i can usually convince myself that i'm over it while i'm awake and lucid, when i shut my eyes, its a whole different story. he invades my dreams, gives me everything i think i want and then morning comes and its ripped away. so here comes the question... how do you get over someone completely, or how do you know if you should hold on to hope, even if there is only one in a million chance it will ever work out. i read a quote somewhere once that said " never give up on someone you can't go a day without thinking about" so what to do? there is another quote i have heard that i think applies " no matter how badly a thing is hurting us, sometimes letting it go hurts even worse. letting go isn't a one time thing, its something you do everyday, over and over again." and that is the truest thing i've ever heard. i have this unrealistic notion of what love is supposed to be, i'm pretty sure it started from all the disney movies i used to watch until i sorta flipped it on it's side and that i blame all the  many many many television shows and movies that i tend to be drawn to, now while i had and sometimes still do have these fantasies about my "prince charming" my dreams where always quite darker than anything ever produced by the mouse. let's just say there was never a white horse or needing to be saved from an evil queen, it was more tragic and dramatic, intense and heartbreaking... it had to hurt to be true, along the lines of, favorite show from when i was 11 was Buffy, my favorite shakespeare r&j,  i think that explains it all.

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