Saturday, January 30, 2010

he's just not that into you

so i know i'm late to the party, but as it turns out i usually am so i'm sitting at home on a saturday night, (aren't i fancy) and i just finished watching "he's just not that into you" and the stuff they said was so true i have just come to the realization that not one person i have liked or thought liked me ever really has. how sad is that? it's also pretty funny if you think about after your fifth beer. i mean i guess its not that big of a deal as i am only 23... but then i think that's only 7 years from 30 and 7 years is not that much time. i am gonna end up old and alone. but maybe i'm being melodramatic, maybe i'm being crazy and i have to stop trying to define myself by relationships or lack there of. maybe i should just enjoy my 20's care free. OR maybe i should drink enough alcohol to fill a vat.

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