Friday, January 29, 2010

me and my "issues"

so about 2 weeks ago i picked up my life in NYC and moved to Florida. and at the time i thought this was the best thing for me, and maybe it is but right now i cant exactly see it. i am a runner and not in the put on some sneakers and go for a jog runner, come to think of it i dont even own a pair of sneakers...but anyway  i run from my problems always have and the problems i was running from this time are as follows
a) i have a large secret i am keeping from my family and don't know how to tell them
b) i am deeply infatuated with someone who doesn't want me
c) i don't always like myself
now these may not seem all that big but i swear they are, they consume my thoughts, there is not a moment that goes by that i am not dreading my family finding out, never seeing him again or if i do see him he will ignore me and the fact that i wish i was a totally different person.