Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy unimaginative, consumerist-oriented and entirely arbitrary, manipulative and shallow interpertation of romance day!

happy valentines day everyone! i hate this day, every year i am bitter and angry and jealous of all the happy people, i am that single girl who believes the day should be erased( that is until i'm no longer single anymore and then i am quite sure i will love it). i miss the days of anticipation, of candy and campy little drug store valentines that everyone got and no one got left out. now i feel like locking myself in my room and plotting how i can end the farce of "happiness" i wish i wasn't this way, lets be clear i'm not wishing for a relationship (though it would be nice) i'm wishing for the clarity to not be so bitter to be someone who just accepts my lack of a love life and lives without the anger on this day. its just that it is thrown in your face every store i go in is red and pink and with hearts and teddy bears and cupids and crap every where. so even though this year i actually tried to be less bitter than previous years i was entirely unsuccessful. though 1 high point i had today as i woke was in front of my bedroom door was a gift bag with some chocolates and a cheesy valentine heart and some knickknacks from my grandmother. so i guess that means she was my valentine this year. (is that sad?)

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