Thursday, February 4, 2010

my earliest memory

my earliest memory isn't actually a memory but a dream i had when i was about 3 years old. so in this dream i am running through this endless black void that is empty except for some railroad tracks and a red and yellow caboose that i am desperately chasing, as i am running away from a giant 40 foot lollipop monster. this monster is one of those lollipops you used to get in the doctors office when you were a kid after a shot, the ones that look like poker chips on a white stick and the taste like robitussin. well this one was the red kind and he (i'm assuming it was a he) had evil black eyes and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth, and his arms and legs were like his body, made of the white sticks. so i am running terrified for this caboose because i know if i can make it on i will be safe. but i cant reach it and i just keep running and running i assume forever as i woke up and don't know how it ended.

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