Saturday, March 13, 2010


you know how some people are called "dreamers" well i think of my self as a "daydreamer" and an avid one at that. it's one of my favorite past times, i can be who i wanna be, have everything i want or secretly desire to happen happen its amazing. i frequently drift off into my own world where people who i love are still alive, friends that are no longer in my life are with me, people i want in my life but can't are with me and happy to be. i find that it's sort of like writing, directing, and staring in my own movies. i can be the heroine, i can be the damsel that needs saving, or i can be the villain ready to over throw the world. or my true wish a vampire [{side bar}]  i wanna make one thing clear i was obsessed with vamps long before the twilight craze, i happen to love twilight but i have had this obsession since jr. high. if i could i would live only in my dreams forever because there even when its bad its good!

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