Saturday, March 27, 2010

i wish i was more creative

i wish i was more creative, i have this strong desire to paint and sculpt to take photographs to write to express my self but i can't. it never looks right or feels right my friend brooke told me once that she was sure i was creative that i was inside me i just had to find it, and at the time i thought it was really sweet, but i was never sure if it was true. i wonder what it means... i have all these ideas, i see the art in my mind, the painting or the photograph or whatever but these fleeting, passing visions never come to fruition. it's frustrating. sometimes i wanna write, i want to commit to paper the elaborate stories i come across in the back of my mind as i watch t.v. or day dream, but i never do. i think it's partly fear, but what do i know.

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