Wednesday, August 25, 2010

a frog peed on me today!

so i have never been a girly girl, i have always loved lizards and frogs and i can deal with most bugs (except water-bugs mostly) i can not and i am serious, i will have an attack and die i get so worked up off of rats or mice they are my biggest issue... but getting back on track i find myself today with the same urge to chase lizards and things like i did when i was a kid. i have a very distinct memory of being 8 yrs old in costa rica at my great grandmothers house spending hours and i mean hours in like 130 degree heat chasing geckos because i was determined to catch one and take it home as my new pet, i had decided to name it wendel.i even remember that the day before we were going to leave i actually did catch one by the tail, i was so proud, that was until the gecko detached his tail and went running off and left me holding a wriggling tail in my hands, utterly shocked. so getting back to my point its 16 years later and i still have that same child like urge , a lot of the times its so strong i have to fight it and other times i give in like today on my walk home from work i caught 2 frogs a small frog and then a big one, the one who was so scared of the giant thing chasing him he peed on me! oh and i also like to name the things i catch! i can only imagine what the people driving by thought as the saw a woman scooting around in the grass hunched over trying to grab something in the middle of the night. but then i think who the fuck cares what the strangers think i wanted to play with the frog for a bit and i did if you don't like it... to damn bad!

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