Sunday, April 18, 2010


so i'm kinda disappointed, i met this guy at my job and thought he was cute. he didn't talk much so it took me a little time to get some info on him. now just so this makes sense i have some rules that go into me approaching a guy...
  1. i would like him to be taller than me, but he has to at least be able to look me in the eye. i don't wanna have to bend to kiss him.
  2. he has to be old enough to enter a bar, i tend to like them older than me but my age is ok.
  3. i would like him to be outgoing, someone who likes to talk cause i love to talk and i don't wanna be having a one way conversation. (though this isn't as important as 1 and 2)
 i occasionally will overlook a rule maybe 2 if the situation warrants it but i can't do all 3. so the boy, he's short not like midget short but shorter than me and not exactly look me in the eye more like look me in the lip maybe nose. but i let it go cause i'm new here and he's just adorable. then there is the fact that he kinda has a silly name but that's not his fault so i overlooked it and actually came to think it was kinda cute. (he's named after a famous rock star from the 60's.) and then there is the fact that he doesn't talk much but that could be because we just met and he has to open up so again i overlooked it. but then i find out he's only 19, and that was it, i overlooked a lot here but that's the deal breaker. i can't do it i can't. so i'm back to square one.

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