Sunday, April 18, 2010


so i'm kinda disappointed, i met this guy at my job and thought he was cute. he didn't talk much so it took me a little time to get some info on him. now just so this makes sense i have some rules that go into me approaching a guy...
  1. i would like him to be taller than me, but he has to at least be able to look me in the eye. i don't wanna have to bend to kiss him.
  2. he has to be old enough to enter a bar, i tend to like them older than me but my age is ok.
  3. i would like him to be outgoing, someone who likes to talk cause i love to talk and i don't wanna be having a one way conversation. (though this isn't as important as 1 and 2)
 i occasionally will overlook a rule maybe 2 if the situation warrants it but i can't do all 3. so the boy, he's short not like midget short but shorter than me and not exactly look me in the eye more like look me in the lip maybe nose. but i let it go cause i'm new here and he's just adorable. then there is the fact that he kinda has a silly name but that's not his fault so i overlooked it and actually came to think it was kinda cute. (he's named after a famous rock star from the 60's.) and then there is the fact that he doesn't talk much but that could be because we just met and he has to open up so again i overlooked it. but then i find out he's only 19, and that was it, i overlooked a lot here but that's the deal breaker. i can't do it i can't. so i'm back to square one.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

behind the yellow door

i have a reoccurring dream, i have been having this same dream almost every year since 2001.  in the dream i am at home and i receive an invitation in the mail to a mental institution on randalls island in nyc. {i have no idea it's actual name i just remember always seeing the 3 big yellow buildings as we drove down the fdr.}  so anyway i get this invite to some meeting, it doesn't bother me or even concern me that this very vague letter wants me to go somewhere. i just decide with out much thought to go. so i travel to the institution with some random people i attended high school with and when we arrive we enter this really bright, extremely large high ceiling-ed room full of four poster canopy beds rows and rows of them all with white linens. there must have been hundreds and all of the beds were occupied by life size white statues of people. some were in the beds other just near them but the was a statue for each bed. i the far corner of the room was the only other living person a woman behind a desk sorting through papers, we headed toward her weaving our way through the aisles. we we finally reached her, i explained about the letter and she sent us through a door behind her, she instructed me to take the elevator to the bottom floor, alone. when we the next room was quite darker than the last and smaller lit by candles, also it was round. in the center of the room was a cylindrical cage elevator and a bench. i left my "friends" on the bench and took the elevator down. when i reached the bottom all i saw was a brightly lit hallway that appeared to be endless and lined with many many doors, all with brass knockers and numbered {but not in order}.  i looked at my letter and saw the number at the top and began looking for its corresponding door. eventually i found it, it was a yellow door with chipping paint that was hanging from it's hinges, barley even attached to the frame, though i was unable to see inside. so i knocked and a voice said come in. when i opened the door i was blinded by a wash of sunlight so bright i couldn't see anything for a moment, then it cleared and i was able to see a room filled with brightly colored furniture, oranges and greens and yellows {it looked like ikea exploded} and a man sitting facing both me and a high backed chair that was facing away from me, i knew someone was there in the tall chair though i couldn't see them at all. the man who appeared to be a doctor, a therapist i think, {he had a note pad an had been writing things down} welcomed me and then sort of just disappeared cause i didn't see him again. i stood there for sometime waiting for something to happen, when the tall chair began to spin toward me and i finally saw the person sitting in it. it was my mom. [so a little back story for those who don't know at the time i first had this dream my mom had been dead for 8 years] so she spins around in the chair and faces me, we stand in silence for a bit just staring at each other, both unable to speak. she is the first to break the silence, and she said as she walked toward me and hugged me "my baby, my little girl, look how beautiful you are." i stand there arms at my side not returning the hug still in shock as she continues to hug me and talk though i have no idea what she was saying. until i snap out of it and pull away to really look at her, she isn't how i remember her when i last saw her right before she "died", she is no longer ridiculously skinny and bald from chemo, but healthy looking and beautiful. i am crying now, hugging her, holding on for dear life. we talk for a bit though i don't know what about, and then comes the point when i get angry. i confront her about where has she been? how did she get here? what happened to her cancer? how could she do this to us? and why is she telling us now? i never got the answers to theses questions. we continued to talk but i again don't know what about. after a while she tells me its time to go,that i had to leave and she wasn't coming with me, that she couldn't. she kissed me goodbye told me she loved me and closed the door. i stood in the hall and stared at the door for a while hoping she would come back out, she didn't. i went home. i told my dad the whole story and he showed me his letter that he had just received, it was just like mine, he also showed me my sisters, and that where the dream ended with him holding both letters and us staring at each other in stunned silence.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

i'm done.

so i had this friend, we met in high school and from the moment we met it was like we had always been friends, it was weird. people would ask us how long we'd known each other we'd say months and they'd be shocked cause we grew so close so fast. jump ahead about 3 years later and she has a kid, a beautiful little girl whom i love so much, and our relationship changes, as it should have she was a mother now. so we couldn't spend hours on the phone talking about nothing or not talking at all just being on the phone with each other, cause it's nice to know someone is there even if its only through a phone line. but we persevered and we were still friends maybe better friends cause now our friendship revolved around "real" things and not just our teenage drama anymore. jump ahead almost 2 years and she has another baby, another little girl i cant get enough of. and again the friendship changes, we are drifting apart, she has to focus on her children and i understand so i go the extra mile to pick up the slack and keep the friendship going because she is important to me. but somewhere in all that extra effort i begin to feel unwanted and used and walked on. i do my best to push aside the feeling that i'm not wanted around that i'm annoying her with my presence but eventually it begins to eat at me so i start pulling away, and the fights begin. we fight about real things about stupid things, and then came the point where i couldn't take it anymore and walked away. it's been 6 or 7 months and for the first 5 i was pissed and had no real desire to fix it, i felt and sometimes still feel i shouldn't and won't beg anyone to be my friend, i'm not gonna chase anyone if we are gonna be friends we both have to want to. then one random day about a month and a half ago i get a message from her saying she doesn't know what happened with us and she misses me and love me and wants to talk. we did, it was awkward and uncomfortable but still apart of me that had been silent for a while was so glad to have her back, someone who used to understand me so well, knew how i thought and how i react to things the whole shebang, but it was gone as soon as it came. its been almost 2 months since that talk and though wary i've reached out 3 times and been ignored, so i'm done. i will always be glad for all the fun we had and all the things she helped me through all the jokes and experiences, but i can not and will not let anyone make me feel bad about myself, i do that well enough all by myself i don't need any help. so goodbye nicole, i really will miss you!

next to normal

so last year my best friend took me to see a broadway show that he and his other best friend who also happens to be named kristina had collectively seen about 15 times and i am not exaggerating. it was called next to normal, it's a show about a family in crisis and mental dysfunction... the mother is the crazy one, her baby died 16 yrs ago and she has over the years hallucinated his aging process, till now she imagines him as a 17 yr old, its intense. i wish i was that kind of crazy. wish i could imagine the last 17 yrs of my life with her still here. but i can't even remember what her voice sounded like... anyway it was, is, will continue to be, amazing. the songs are so terribly powerful i can't stand it sometimes. i like to sit in the dark and listen to the soundtrack over and over, (is that strange?)  here is a list of some of my favorite lines from the songs.
  • you're gone as of may,and there's nothing your paranoid parents can say. (everything else)
  • my psycho-pharmacologist and i. call it a lover's game. he knows my deepest secrets. i know his... name! (who's crazy...)
  • ooh, thank you, doctor, valium is my favorite color. how'd you know? (who's crazy...)
  • they say love is blind... but believe me, love is insane. (who's crazy...)
  • the sensation that you're screaming, but you never make a sound. or the feeling that you're falling, but you never hit the ground. (you don't know)
  • you just don’t know who i am ( i am the one)
  • i wish i could fly and magically appear and disappear i wish i could fly i'd fly far away from here (superboy and the invisible girl)
  • catch me i'm falling, catch me i'm falling, faster than anyone should. catch me i'm falling, please hear me calling. catch me i falling for good. (catch me i'm falling)
  • catch me i'm falling flying head first into fate catch me i'm falling please hear me calling catch me before it's too late (catch me falling)
  • i'll wake alone tomorrow the dream of our dance is through but now until forever love i'll live to dance with you i'll dream my love i'll live my love and i'll die to dance with... (i dreamed a dance)
  • i'm the light and heat of every sun, i'm a bullet from a magic gun, and i'm trying to enjoy it but i'm missing all the fun. (wish i were here)
  • can i hide my stupid hunger, fake some confidence and cheer, 'wish i were here'? wish i were here. (wish i were here)
  • i couldn't give a flying fuck what's normal we haven't had a normal day in years (seconds and years)
  • catch me i'm falling, sinking and sprawling, maybe i'll let myself fall. watch me i'm falling, maybe the falling, isn't so bad after all, isn't so bad after all. watch me i'm falling, watch me i'm flying, somehow surviving. (catch me i'm falling (reprise))

    nyc i miss u

    i miss nyc, i moved away 4 months ago and i miss it everyday. i miss tall buildings. florida has very few tall buildings, it's all sky. i am surprised to say it but i miss the mta, i may cost an arm and leg, they maybe assholes but at least it runs 24hrs a day! i miss the lights at night, it's to dark here. i miss the endless slew of choices, if i don't like the barista in the starbucks i'm at in manhattan i can walk down the street and try another, here there is 1 starbucks and then another 6 miles away! i miss bars, the only bar near me is a biker bar called daisy dukes and... uh no! but most of all i miss my people, the ones that make me feel content and comfortable. i find myself saying "at home" or "in ny" 12 times a day. i am still glad i did this, i needed to live somewhere else for a bit. i do not enjoy walking here, i constantly feel like i'm gonna get run over, being that i have to cross over highways at least 3 times a day, and the cross walks are miles apart not to mention the fact that because almost all the streets are 4 way crossings, it takes 20 minutes for the walk sign to appear. the people here are nice enough, and i cant complain about the weather, but still...

    Sunday, April 4, 2010


    i have trouble with friends, i am a very friendly person and i am quick usually too quick to label people as "friends" when they haven't earned that yet, then the inevitable happens, they prove that they weren't my friend and i am totaled. my friendships are so very important to me, sometimes i think the are all i really have as my familial relationships are, well in a word, lacking. right now i have 3 people i truly believe are my friends. i have others i call friend, but i am never sure. part of me is always waiting for them to get sick of me and leave. it's a fear i have had for many years, its almost a paranoia. this at times irrational fear that i am constantly the butt of a joke. that theses people who i believe care really don't and are just waiting for the opportune moment to let me in on it, to push me in the dirt, laugh in my face and let me know the whole "friendship" was a trick. i know it's strange but i have had this fear for a long time and i don't know how to be rid of it. every time i think i've made some progress and i've learned to trust more, to have more faith..., well last year i had gained some faith until two people who i had total complete unflappable trust that they would never treat me this way did and i was right back to square one. and while a few years ago i immediately would have spiraled out of control, this time i just go angry, really angry and i was for a while, but now the anger has subsided and all that's left is that i miss them, and i don't want to. i don't wanna miss someone that after years of friendship treated me like crap, but i do miss them and i guess i will continue too.

    Saturday, April 3, 2010

    fake blood!

    so the other day my job sponsored a blood drive, and i decided to do a good thing a donate. now this is a big deal for me, if you know me you are aware i do not do doctors or needles or stuff like that. but i knew it was a good thing to do so i sucked it up and went. then the doctor man (who by the way would have been really cute if he had been like 2 inches taller) tells me i can't donate because my blood isn't good enough! (well he actually said my level was only like a 32 or a 34 and to donate it needs to be a 38) but  i'm just thinking that is so rude. i sat there for like a half and hour let them stab me twice answering all kinds of personal questions and i don't even get a free t-shirt or a pack of cookies, rude!

    Friday, April 2, 2010

    calling people daddy!

    so lately i've been listening to the radio a lot which i usually don't do, but it helps the time pass at work, and i have noticed a lot of songs, sung by both men and women where boyfriends are being referred to as "daddy". in case anyone was wondering this practice is gross and nasty! it is bad enough that guys know to go looking for girls with "daddy issues" because they tend to be easy and slutty. we don't need to add to that with this icky practice. the word daddy is yes a term of endearment but its not meant to be coupled with sex, in my opinion. when i hear the word, i see little girls sitting on there fathers laps or playing tea party, not usher telling me to put my ass in the air and work a chair, and hoping that the neighbors will hear. fyi guys speaking as a girl with this problem, not all "daddy issues" can be solved with your penis!

    Thursday, April 1, 2010

    malls after hours!

    so for a long time i have had the secret desire to be trapped in a mall or a department store after hours, to be able to run around touching whatever i please while a funky sitcom music plays in the backround (i'm sure i got this idea from some teenagery television show though i don't know which one). and very recently i have had the opportunity, i have acquired a job at a MACY*S in a mall and i get to be in the mall when its closed but unfortunately its not fun it's a little creepy and there is no music!