Saturday, April 3, 2010

fake blood!

so the other day my job sponsored a blood drive, and i decided to do a good thing a donate. now this is a big deal for me, if you know me you are aware i do not do doctors or needles or stuff like that. but i knew it was a good thing to do so i sucked it up and went. then the doctor man (who by the way would have been really cute if he had been like 2 inches taller) tells me i can't donate because my blood isn't good enough! (well he actually said my level was only like a 32 or a 34 and to donate it needs to be a 38) but  i'm just thinking that is so rude. i sat there for like a half and hour let them stab me twice answering all kinds of personal questions and i don't even get a free t-shirt or a pack of cookies, rude!

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