Thursday, April 8, 2010

nyc i miss u

i miss nyc, i moved away 4 months ago and i miss it everyday. i miss tall buildings. florida has very few tall buildings, it's all sky. i am surprised to say it but i miss the mta, i may cost an arm and leg, they maybe assholes but at least it runs 24hrs a day! i miss the lights at night, it's to dark here. i miss the endless slew of choices, if i don't like the barista in the starbucks i'm at in manhattan i can walk down the street and try another, here there is 1 starbucks and then another 6 miles away! i miss bars, the only bar near me is a biker bar called daisy dukes and... uh no! but most of all i miss my people, the ones that make me feel content and comfortable. i find myself saying "at home" or "in ny" 12 times a day. i am still glad i did this, i needed to live somewhere else for a bit. i do not enjoy walking here, i constantly feel like i'm gonna get run over, being that i have to cross over highways at least 3 times a day, and the cross walks are miles apart not to mention the fact that because almost all the streets are 4 way crossings, it takes 20 minutes for the walk sign to appear. the people here are nice enough, and i cant complain about the weather, but still...

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